Core Values Awards
Our quarterly recognition award is intended to recognize team members who exhibit our core values. This award is not about profitability – it’s not related to being on time or on budget, it is not for winning a deal or closing one. This award is intended to identify someone on our team, who one of us witnessed or became aware of, do something that demonstrates Novak core values and the kind of character and behavior that make us all proud to be teammates. At Novak, we believe that doing the little things often matter most.
"We only succeed when our core values guide us in everything we do."
Jeff Novak
Founding Partner
Family is Always First
Be Respectful and Humble
Do It Right, the First Time
We Do What We Say, and Say What We Do
Freedom with Responsibility
Be Innovative, Creative and Open-Minded
Play to the “Whistle” (Always Finish)
Appreciate Each Other
October - December 2017
Kellie Jones
“Be Respectful and Humble”
“Appreciate Others”
January - March 2021
Justin McDaniel
“Play to the Whistle”
July - September 2021
Whitney Horton
“Be Respectful and Humble”
January - March 2022
Michael Mellen
“Play to the Whistle”
July - September 2022
Dan Bradley
“Appreciate Others”
April - June 2020
Kellie Jones
“Be Innovative, Creative and Open-Minded”
April - June 2021
Cole Novak
“Family is Always First”
January - March 2022
Dan Bradley
“Family is Always First”
July - September 2022
Cole Novak
“Be Respectful and Humble”
July - September 2022
Justin McDaniel
“Appreciate Others”
awards & accolades
Best in Show